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Ikebana (Japanese flower arranging) club

IMG 2038 420pxIkebana (Japanese Flower Arranging) club is a delightful experience in which a group of year 12 students arranged and displayed a variety of flowers and foliage in creative and satisfying ways.

After Ms Myers taught us the basic rules and methods to arrange the flowers, we all individually made our own arrangement. The flowers proved to be beautiful displays of harmony and peace; not only were they incredible to look at but also were calming to make.

Tia mentioned, "I’d never thought I’d particularly enjoy flower arrangement, however Ikebana was so different to typical European arrangements. I found myself really thinking about how to arrange the petals and stems. The club atmosphere was so quiet and secure; it was really a safe place to experiment with something new and enjoy it. I’ve just bought my own Ikebana supplies to practice at home!"

Miss Bowen who also attended the club commented, "how lucky we are to have access to this wonderful practice, thank you Ms Myers for your time and knowledge and patience. I have been doing this at home with my 6 year old and have bought my own Ikebana tools.”

This club was a great way to end the week and helped relieve the stress of school work.
ありがとう(arigatou: Thank you in Japanese)

Dylan (year 12)

Year 6 transition

boar drop shadow alpha trans 100pxWe will use this webpage to help you get to know the school. Below are a series of resources for both you and your carers to help you become more familiar with the school and covering a range of aspects of school life. Our Year 7s have created some resources to support your transition and there is some additional information about transition in general.You will also be able to access electronic copies of information letters that have been sent out.

  Year 6 new entrants' evening presentation

  pdf Year 6 new entrants' evening 2023 (280 KB)  


Top 5 tips if you are starting a new school

Starting a new school can be nerve-wracking, especially when making the move from primary to secondary school.
Here are some top tips to help you settle in, created by BBC Newsround.
Back to school advice


Starting secondary workshop and more

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Transition into Year 7 can be a really challenging time for both students and their parents/carers! Our NHS Emotional Wellbeing Support Team will be facilitating several workshops over the summer holidays aimed at parents of primary school aged children who will be making the move up into secondary school. We would like to promote these to help support a successful transition to us at Dane Court. Sessions of interest might be the Starting Secondary School workshop that will be run twice, Understanding Anxiety workshop, and the Resilience workshop (see links below).


Letters from our year 7s to Year 6s joining in September 2023


Transition Video produced by the Anna Freud Charity


Podcasts made by Year 7

Listen to our podcasts made for the Year 6s joining us in September on the reality of life at Dane Court.


Managing transition videos

Here are some really useful videos produced by Childnet to help young people make a smooth transition from primary to secondary. Videos cover issues such as having a first phone, group chats, and handling friend and follower requests.

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  • ParentPort logo

  • ParentPort logo

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Catching the bus to school

Stagecoach South East has created a useful video and leaflets for year 6 students intending to use the bus to travel to and from school:


Previous transition videos/slides made during covid

These were made during the covid pandemic. You may still find them useful.

Chatter 25 - spring 2023


The DCGS Chatter team have, as always been working hard to to create this eggsiting edition of Chatter for you. There are so many delightful articles within this spring edition! The team have been out around the school busy reporting on all of the fantastic events that have been happening since we returned in January.

We have reports on the ever popular Valentines Bistro, Year 7’s life saving training and some tasty Japanese cooking. There is sporting news from the many successes of students & staff including the Under 16’s Girls Kent Cup Final win!

Along with an update on the fundraising that has happened across the past couple of terms. We hope you enjoy reading the school's World Book Day story created by some very talented students and the many reviews from the students on theatre performances.

If anyone would like to join the chatter team when we return to school, please just come along and see what we get up to, we meet in the library on a Monday & Friday lunchtime or you can get more information by emailing Mrs Cronin, Mrs Finlay or Mrs Holmes. All students from across the school community are welcome and it would be especially great to hear from you if you enjoy editing and page design!

We hope you have as much fun reading as we have had putting this edition together, perhaps whilst tucking into a chocolate egg or a toasted hot cross bun.

DCGS Chatter team

pdf Chatter 25 - Spring 2023 (5.74 MB)

See all Chatter publications

CAT continuing professional development day

CAT logoOn Friday 10 February 2023, Coastal Academies Trust (CAT) hosted its first groundbreaking conference at Dane Court Grammar School, bringing together over 400 delegates from its five member schools. David Didau - renowned education expert, teacher, author and self-professed provocateur – captivated the audience with his key note speech, challenging myths and misconceptions, and promoting innovation in teaching.

Twenty five speakers from Trust schools and external organisations delivered inspiring presentations on topics ranging from pedagogy to mental health. The conference served as an invaluable opportunity for educators to expand their networks and learn from the experiences of their peers, with delegates and speakers engaging in lively discussions, exchanging ideas and sharing best practice.

This event showcased the commitment of Coastal Academies Trust to excellence in education, as it continues to create a supportive and progressive environment for its member schools. With a focus on fostering collaboration and sharing expertise, the success of this conference highlights the Trust's dedication to nurturing the next generation of academic achievers in Thanet. Plans are already underway for next year’s event.

 “High quality speakers and excellent ideas and challenges to help move us all forward.”

“Lovely to spend time talking and swapping ideas with different members of your own setting, rather than just your year group. Good to meet colleagues from other schools and hear their perspectives. Loved the Key Note speech.”

“I felt the collaborate and supportive atmosphere of a CAT wide CPD day was excellent.”

“It was lovely to have all trust schools in one place, it encouraged so many conversations where people want to go and visit the other schools for certain collaborations. Brilliant!”

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Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
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Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019