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Japanese cooking lessons

IMG 1464In our IBCP Language Development class, we had a Japanese cooking lesson and made two different Japanese noodle dishes. The steps to both of the recipes were simple and easy to follow. We worked well together as a group to make chicken udon noodle soup which was my personal favourite and soba noodle. The soba noodles were noodles served with dipping sauce.

Fin and Amy said 'It was really enjoyable. The dishes tasted very nice and flavoursome and everyone ate lots of it. It gave us an interesting and fun insight on a common dish they eat in Japan'. Ms Myers commented 'It was great to see the students enjoyed cooking and tried the Japanese noodle dishes. Some students asked me to share the recipes as they wanted to make it again! I hope the lesson encouraged the students to be open minded to try something new from other countries. Well done, everyone.’

Here are the recipes if you would like to make these dishes. Most ingredients are available in supermarkets or online.

pdf Japanese Cooking Lessons (Recipies) February 2023 (163 KB)

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