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Chatter 25 - spring 2023


The DCGS Chatter team have, as always been working hard to to create this eggsiting edition of Chatter for you. There are so many delightful articles within this spring edition! The team have been out around the school busy reporting on all of the fantastic events that have been happening since we returned in January.

We have reports on the ever popular Valentines Bistro, Year 7’s life saving training and some tasty Japanese cooking. There is sporting news from the many successes of students & staff including the Under 16’s Girls Kent Cup Final win!

Along with an update on the fundraising that has happened across the past couple of terms. We hope you enjoy reading the school's World Book Day story created by some very talented students and the many reviews from the students on theatre performances.

If anyone would like to join the chatter team when we return to school, please just come along and see what we get up to, we meet in the library on a Monday & Friday lunchtime or you can get more information by emailing Mrs Cronin, Mrs Finlay or Mrs Holmes. All students from across the school community are welcome and it would be especially great to hear from you if you enjoy editing and page design!

We hope you have as much fun reading as we have had putting this edition together, perhaps whilst tucking into a chocolate egg or a toasted hot cross bun.

DCGS Chatter team

pdf Chatter 25 - Spring 2023 (5.74 MB)

See all Chatter publications

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