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House Music Cup

logo 2dot 200pxI am very pleased to say that Helsinki is a very creative and talented house, therefore preparing for the house music cup has been a load of fun! Many Helsinki students have some fantastic acts lined up for us, including Ben from year 11, Beatrice and Alicia also from year 11, Isabelle, Dylan and Isha from year 8, and Erika and Daisy from year 7. Each of these acts are unique in their own way and if you manage to convince Mr Mason to let you watch them I definitely suggest you do! However, let's not forget our fantastic Ensemble! This excellent group have been giving up their lunch times (Sam in year 8 even came on his birthday!) to rehearse with me and WOW they have done fab! Well done and good luck to everyone taking part in the House Music Cup, we can't wait to see you perform.

Hello from Helsinki's new house captains

h captains15I am more than happy to announce that after many year 12 sixth formers were charitable enough to put themselves forward to be voted this year, the new Helsinki House Captains are James Mileham, Nick Short, and me - Kiana Stevens. We are so grateful for everyone who has voted for us this year as it gives great confidence to know that so many of you have faith in what we believe we can achieve as a house this year. We hope that you feel comfortable enough to be more than happy to approach us about anything you feel that either would improve Helsinki, or that you have enjoyed, we also would love to get to know you all individually.

Thank you Tallinn

t captains15We would like to take the time to thank everyone who voted for us. We are honoured that you saw us as the best people to lead Tallinn in the house competitions over the next year. We believe that success is not coming first but instead it is achieving our full potential. We definitely have the potential to come in the top three and I hope with strong leadership and participation to the fullest extent we will achieve a good ranking.

Ben, Tom and Zainab

Climbing competition 2014

MO1L9574 250pxDane Court Grammar School's third inter-house climbing competition was completed in early December.

First: Neuchatel (1725 points)
Second: Helsinki (1522 points)
Third:Sorrento (1341 points)
Fourth:Barcelona (1275 points)
Fifth: Tallinn (1195 points)
Sixth: Delphi (753 points)

Top three climbers in each year are:

Year 7
First: James Scott (N)
Second: Aidan Holdford (T)
Third: Jacob Prentice (N)
Year 8
First: Jon Hart (N)
Second: Elizabeth Allen (D)
Third: Ciro Fierro (T)
Year 9
First: Eljoh Balajadia (S)
Second: Jason Talana (H)
Third: Joshua Escudier (S)
Year 10
First: Charlie Burgess (H)
Second: Sam Williams (B)
Third: Lily O'Brien (N)
Year 11
First: Rosalie Holden (S)
Second: Mitchell Barham (T)
Third: Bennet Kandathy (S)
Year 12
First: Tom Gutrige(B)
Second: Will Taker (S)
Third: Dan Goodbourn (N)
Year 13
First: Dominic Foord (H)
Second: James Topping (N)
Third: Oliver Crew (H)

Full details can be found here.

GalleryClimbing competition 2014

Our house charity for 2014-2015

cancer research logo 250pxThe ever-generous Helsinki house community has voted to support another charity working hard to beat cancer. This year our charity helping sufferes by fighting cancer itself.
Cancer Research UK is the world's leading charity dedicated to beating cancer through research. They have saved millions of lives by discovering new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer, and survival has doubled over the past 40 years.

Read more: Our house charity for 2014-2015

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
PHOTO 2019 10 30 16 46 14
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019

House Points

Barcelona Barcelona 38
Delphi Delphi 21
Helsinki Helsinki 20
Neuchâtel Neuchatel 29
Sorrento Sorrento 26
Tallinn Tallin 18