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Holly, Dominic and Charlie climbed Snowdon on our climbing wallDane Court staff and students got a head start on this year's Sport Relief excitement.

The charity reckon that our area raised more than its fair share of cash in 2013 and invited us to put on a special day of physical fund raisers a full three weeks before the rest of the nation.
The PE department swung into acton organising an impressive range of challenges from staff versus students dodgeball and non-stop badminton to climbing a mountain on our school climbing wall.

Most paid for the privelege of not wearing school uniform for the day and many jumped straight into sports gear or dressed as their favourite sports personality.

In all we raised a few pennies short of a thousand pounds on the day. Congratulations Dane Court and a special cheer for Helsinki House for raising a chart-topping £158.37.

All images courtesy of Olly Knight http://www.ollyknightphotography.co.uk/sport-relief-event-photography-in-broadstairs-kent/

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 1626
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019

House Points

Barcelona Barcelona 38
Delphi Delphi 21
Helsinki Helsinki 20
Neuchâtel Neuchatel 29
Sorrento Sorrento 26
Tallinn Tallin 18