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sub-brand logos with standoff 283px IB Diploma Programme IB Career-related Certiificate



GCSE results 2021

CO1A6226 420pxYear 11 students at Dane Court Grammar School celebrated some excellent GCSE results this morning.

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Chatter 18 - Summer 2021

Chatter8 250pxThe end of this school year is upon us, DCGS Chatter members have worked incredibly hard fitting in time between end of term events, to bring you a variety of articles from members of the team across the school community.
We have, as always, so many delightful articles within this edition. We hope you have as much fun reading as we have had putting this edition together for you. We have had reporters detailing information & results on the various mini ‘bubble’ sports days that were held across the school, book & film reviews, we have lots of ideas to keep you entertained this summer and of course the school year ending brings some farewells to staff and students.
If anyone would like to join the chatter team in September, we shall hopefully be returning to the library for meetings, you can find out more details by emailing Mrs Cronin, Mrs Finlay or asking your form mentor when we return. All students from across the school are very welcome, we look forward to meeting our new Year 7 students & if you aren't very good at writing we always need a hand at editing, or you could draw some art!
Chatter would like to wish all DCGS student's, staff, the PTA and their families a safe and happy Summer. Look after yourselves, stay safe and enjoy the weather. The Chatter team would like you to all have a good well earned rest over the holidays, ready to come back refreshed for the new school year!

pdf Read Chatter 18 (3.15 MB)

See all Chatter publications

IB results 2021

Year 13 students at Dane Court are today celebrating an exceptional year of results in their International Baccalaureate courses, with an impressive IBDP average point score of 36.5 across the cohort and 61% of all grades at 7 or 6 (the very highest IB grades), and 33% of IBCP grades at 7 or 6.

Martin Jones, Headteacher, said “We are delighted for the students. These outstanding outcomes are the result of an enormous amount of hard work and determination. This group of students has faced the challenges of the past 18 months with perseverance and resilience and we are very proud of them. All of our IBCP students have received their award and 97% of our IBDP students have achieved the full Diploma, which is a remarkable achievement. Our IBCP students must wait until August for their vocational results, but their success in their IB subjects and their excellent Reflective Project grades have given them the very best chance to progress onto their chosen destination. Our IBDP students have attained an average of 36.5 points across the year group, the highest average point score in the school’s history. The vast majority of students have already secured their first choice university or employment-focused offer and they can look forward to an exciting future.”

  • All students in the sixth form study one of three prestigious and demanding courses:
    The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, which comprises 6 IB subjects including Maths, English, Science and a language. Students must also complete the ‘Core’ which consists of a 4000 word Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge and CAS
  • The International Baccalaureate Career-Related Programme where students study one Level 3 vocational course and 2 or more IB Diploma Programme courses, graded on a 7-1 scale. The students are also required to pass the IBCP core which comprises of: a personal and professional skills course, a service learning project, a 3000 word reflective essay and a language acquisition course.
  • A bespoke course comprised of a range of IB subjects

Chris Pleasant, Head of Sixth Form said “It has been a wonderful experience to be able to share this set of results with the students after a difficult couple of years. They can say with pride and confidence that they have truly earned these grades, as they are the result of assessments and coursework completed over the course of two years. I am immensely proud of them all. I want to particularly congratulate the 17 IBDP students who have achieved 40 points or more, way above the national and world averages and Aliya Andrews, Nikos Kouthouri-Whittaker and Zara Ahmed who achieved the maximum 45 points, a truly remarkable achievement. Well done to you all and I hope the next stage of your life is a happy and successful one.”

Find out more about our sixth form.

Examples of work completed by this year's IB Visual Arts students

Collect your 2020 examination certificates

boars head 54x64px2020 Exam Certificates

Calling all 2020 GCSE and IB students, your Summer 2020 exam certificates are now ready for collection. Certificates can be collected from the main reception between 2:00pm and 4:30pm Monday to Thursday and between 2:00pm and 4:00pm Friday.
Your certificates are important legal documents that you will need throughout the course of your career. Employers, colleges and universities often insist on seeing original qualification certificates. It is therefore vital that you collect your certificates and keep them safe. Regulations do not allow certificates to be put sent by normal post due to the risk of loss or damage. If you are unable to collect the certificates yourself, you can nominate someone else (this includes parents and other family members or friends) to collect your certificates by emailing Claire Sayer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Certificates will not be issued to anyone other than the person named on them without written permission and ID.

Exam Certificates - 2019 and before

We have many unclaimed exam certificates (believe it or not, we even have certificates dating as far back as the 1960s) that we are keen to get to their owners. If you took your exams prior to 2020 and you didn’t collect your certificates, please email Claire Sayer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange collection. Please note that certificates will not be issued to anyone other than the person named on them without written permission and ID.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 5904
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019