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GCSE results 2021

CO1A6226 420pxYear 11 students at Dane Court Grammar School celebrated some excellent GCSE results this morning.

12% of all entries were graded at 9, the very highest grade, and 49% at 9-7. 18 students gained grades 9-7 in all of their subjects and 85% secured a strong pass in both English and Mathematics.

Headteacher, Martin Jones, said, “The last 18 months have been incredibly challenging for this cohort of students and we’re very proud of them. They have worked exceptionally hard, supported each other and approached their studies with determination and maturity. They thoroughly deserve this success. These fantastic grades are the direct result of the students’ hard work in difficult circumstances, as well as excellent support from their families. I’m sure that the students would like to join me in thanking all of their teachers for their dedication and guidance over the last five years. This year group has been a pleasure to teach and they have been wonderful role models for the younger students. We look forward to welcoming them back in September to begin their IB courses.”
The vast majority of Dane Court students are now looking forward to starting their International Baccalaureate Sixth Form studies in September – either the Diploma or Careers-related Programme. As the world's premier qualification, the IB continues to enhance its global reputation for providing direct and effective pathways to elite universities and future careers.

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