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Chatter 17 - Easter 2021

Chatter8 250pxDane Court's student newspaper Chatter team have been working super hard both from home and back in school (hoorah!) over a couple of very unusual terms, to bring you this special bumper edition of Chatter.

Bursting with many fantastic articles to read from students across the school, such as how the students feel about the return to school and some of the amazing work they got up to from home. Our fantastic students have also been reporting on what they have been doing outside of school, reviewing music albums and their creative writing.
Also in this edition there are details of what is happening in the library, Easter recipes and lots of competitions you can enter. Not forgetting our own competition to win £20 to spend when the shops reopen!!
If anyone would like to join the chatter team just come along and see what we get up to, details on meetings can be given to you by your form mentor or by emailing Mrs Cronin. We meet on week B for years 7, 8 and 9 or week A for years 10 and above. Students from across the school are very welcome and if you aren't very good at writing we always need a hand at editing! It would be especially great to hear from you!
Chatter would like to wish all student's, staff, the PTA and their families a safe and happy Easter holiday. Look after yourselves and each other but most of all ensure you all have a good well earned rest over the holidays.

Read Chatter 17

See all Chatter publications

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