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Chatter 18 - Summer 2021

Chatter8 250pxThe end of this school year is upon us, DCGS Chatter members have worked incredibly hard fitting in time between end of term events, to bring you a variety of articles from members of the team across the school community.
We have, as always, so many delightful articles within this edition. We hope you have as much fun reading as we have had putting this edition together for you. We have had reporters detailing information & results on the various mini ‘bubble’ sports days that were held across the school, book & film reviews, we have lots of ideas to keep you entertained this summer and of course the school year ending brings some farewells to staff and students.
If anyone would like to join the chatter team in September, we shall hopefully be returning to the library for meetings, you can find out more details by emailing Mrs Cronin, Mrs Finlay or asking your form mentor when we return. All students from across the school are very welcome, we look forward to meeting our new Year 7 students & if you aren't very good at writing we always need a hand at editing, or you could draw some art!
Chatter would like to wish all DCGS student's, staff, the PTA and their families a safe and happy Summer. Look after yourselves, stay safe and enjoy the weather. The Chatter team would like you to all have a good well earned rest over the holidays, ready to come back refreshed for the new school year!

pdf Read Chatter 18 (3.15 MB)

See all Chatter publications

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 3383
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019