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BBC School Report 2015

bbc news report 250pxDane Court students joined forces with King Ethelbert school students for BBC News School Report. They worked hard to meet the deadline and see their presentations go live at 1600 GMT on News Day, Thursday 19 March 2015.

Our Day as News Reporters
By Amika (Dane Court Grammar School) and Lani (King Ethelbert School)
Today we spent the day producing a news report. First, we looked through the newspapers and chose the story we wanted to feature. After being split into broadcasters and writers, we set off to gather our information, facts and statistics. We got into pairs with a pupil from the opposite school and started to research our two stories. We then started to compose a written News report featuring our chosen topics. Once our reports and scripts were completed the Broadcasting team prepared to film. After a few rehearsals, we went live at two o'clock. The broadcast was successful and we really enjoyed our day being reporters because we learnt new skills and made new friends!

See the reports

More information on the BBC website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schoolreport/

See the 2014 BBC School Reports

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