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Maths feast

Maths Feast 250pxOn Wednesday 13 March Mr Towe and Miss Neve accompanied eight of our best year 10 mathematicians to the Canterbury Maths Feast. The competition consisted of four rounds and students competed in teams of four. Our teams were; Team A: Oscar Phillips-James, Ben Jellett, Erin White and Christopher Nisan alongside Team B: Oliver Goult, Kirsten Hutchinson, Tom Askin and Ben Geraghty.

The first round involved a variety of maths topics and had to be completed in silence. Both teams made a strong start with high scores in this round. The second round required pupils to teach themselves an A level maths topic which they were then required to apply to a set of problems. Once again both teams put in strong performances putting them well ahead of most of their competition. Team A did particularly well in this round and were crowned champions. The third round was based upon ‘Play your cards right’ with teams being asked to solve problems and to determine whether the next answer was higher or lower than the previous. Team A once again managed to gain a top score. The final round was by far the most challenging with the top score for this round being 10 out of a possible 20 marks. In this round pupils were split into two pairs within their teams and sat at opposite ends of their table with an adjudicator between them. Each team then had five minutes to answer questions which pairs completed alternately. Added to this was the jeopardy that the second pair's problem could not be solved without the first pair's answer.

Both teams demonstrated excellent mathematical prowess as well as exemplary teamwork. Team B were also highly commended by the event organisers for their consistently high scores in all rounds, despite narrowly missing out of being round winners.
A special thank you goes to Mr Towe who drove us there and used his mathematical skills during the event, despite it being his day off.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 1556
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019