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sub-brand logos with standoff 283px IB Diploma Programme IB Career-related Certiificate



Library art competition

monet 250pxFly away and get lost in a book this summer

Are you a budding artist?
Would you like to see your artwork exhibited at school?
We are running an art competition to see who can produce a painting, collage or illustration for the school's Austin Library. The work should ideally be inspired by a work of literature, but we welcome all submissions and the competition is open to all pupils and ex-pupils.

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Spanish Exchange to Madrid 2016-2017

Madrid 250pxThe Spanish exchange was a seven day trip to a town on the outskirts of Madrid called Las Rozas. Fortunately for us, the weather was lovely and the sun set quite late so the days there were longer, meaning we had lots of time to do things that tourists do best! The host families were amazing and we all would do the trip again if given the chance.

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Dane Court turns 60

IMG 0686 250pxTo mark the beginning of Dane Court Grammar School’s diamond jubilee celebrations, two former students in 1957 and 1958, Michael Dodsworth and Eric Davies, were invited back on 2 May 2017, to reminisce about their experiences and to see how the school has progressed.

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Sports Day is on its way

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A message from Mr Wallace

Dear Parent/Guardian

Like most secondary schools, Dane Court has an annual Summer Sports Day. However, that is where the similarity ends. Our Sports Day actually takes place over one and a half days.
Athletic ‘Field Events’ take place during the morning of the first day, then Athletic ‘Track Events’ and Team Games run throughout the second day.
Although Sports Day is the largest ‘House’ competition of the year, and fiercely contested by all performers, it is also the only event where every student participates and plays their part.

We realise that some students do not enjoy athletics and so each year group has a ‘striking’ team game. Unlike the athletics where the competitions are single gender, the team game is a mixed gender activity. Year 7 play Rounders, Year 8 Stoolball, Year 9 Cricket and Year 10 Softball.
The success of the day is always due to the fantastic response from the students. Students have to organise themselves during Sports Day, making sure their form teams are organised and that they get to events on time. They are given a great deal of freedom during the ‘main’ day and I am never disappointed with their effort and behaviour which is always superb.
The sense of community is immense, with all staff involved in the smooth running of the day. Sports Day is my favourite day of the year because the whole school is taking part in one activity. And, of course, I’m just a little biased when it comes to sport!

All parents are welcome to watch some, or all, of Sports Day. The day is very informal. When you arrive please sign in at the main office. If you are not sure where to go to spectate ask any student/member of staff. We do not provide seating – feel free to bring a rug or folding seat.

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Friday 30 June 2017 - Pentathlon

Years 9 and 10 only
This will take place during Periods 1 to 4


Monday 3 July 2017 - Field

Order of events






 Long Jump

7 + 8 B

7 + 8 G

9 + 10 G

9 + 10 B

 Triple Jump

 9 + 10 B

 8 B




8 G

7 + 8 B

9 + 10 B

9 + 10 G


9 + 10 G

9 + 10 B

7 + 8 G

7 + 8 B

 Shot Put

9 + 10 B

9 + 10 G

7 + 8 B

7 + 8 G

 Rounders Ball





High Jump - This competition will start at 8.50am for all competitors


Tuesday 4 July 2017

Team sports

Order of play


Pitch 1

Pitch 2

Pitch 3


B v D

H v N

S v T


T v B

D v H

N v S


T v D

B v N

H v S

12.15 to 12.55

 L U N C H


D v N

S v B

H v T


D v S

B v H

N v T


Order of events




7G & 7B, 8G & 8B, 9B, 10B


7G, 7B, 8G, 8B, 9G, 9B, 10G, 10B
6th Form Girls, 6th Form Boys


8B, 9B, 10B


4 x 100m ‘B’ Relays
7G, 7B, 8G, 8B, 9G, 9B, 10G, 10B
Sixth Form, Mixed

12.15 to 12.55



8G, 9G, 10G


7G, 7B, 8G, 8B, 9G, 9B, 10G, 10B


7G, 7B, 8G, 8B, 9G, 9B, 10G, 10B


4 x 100m ‘A’ Relays
7G, 7B, 8G, 8B, 9G, 9B, 10G, 10B


Staff v Yr12 Relay



*All timings are approximate

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 1650
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019