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Gold Fever

Gold Fever 1 250pxThe past six weeks have been very exciting for the students studying Sport Science. 2017 started with two visits to Canterbury Christ Church Universities SportsLab. The year 12 students took part in a variety of fitness testing opportunities, looking at how their bodies respond to exercise in the short term. They also learnt how to assess body composition, heart and lung function. Meanwhile the year 13 students took their research proposal to the SportsLab to see if they can understand the science of talent identification. Each of these visits offer great opportunities not only to support their current studies but get a taste of what life after Dane Court Grammar can be.

The half term however came to a close with the visit of a sporting legend. Five times world champion and twice Olympic gold medallist Alex Gregory graced the sports hall to give students an insight into the world of elite sport and what it takes to be the best. Coupled with some rowing masterclasses, Alex spoke to the students about his journey, turning 8 years of disappointment into 8 years of unrivalled success. Words of wisdom echoed around the room, as his gold medals passed from hand to hand. Much of what he spoke about could be applied to the students own sporting lives, as well as using the lessons he learnt and applying them all areas of their life at Dane Court.

"A truly great bloke, it was good to see the smiles on the students' faces as they worked with Alex during the day...
We cannot wait for him to come back" said Head of PE Ian Wallace

As we move into the next half term we hope to see the students step up and take on board everything they have learnt so far in 2017 and build towards success in the summer.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 6072
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019