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Family support

Webinars for parents/carers

SCESS 20221017

Schools and Colleges Early Support Service

Information regarding Webinars for Parents/Carers - May 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,  

We would like to invite you to attend the May 2023 webinar series specially tailored for parents/carers of adolescents, in collaboration with the Schools and Colleges Early Support Service.

Topics have been chosen to reflect core developmental processes in adolescence and common difficulties parents can struggle with. The content is psychoeducational, strategy-based and solution focused. The webinars will cover the following topics: 

  • Anxiety in adolescence: how can parents help? 
  • Adolescent self–harm: how to make sense of it and when to seek support
  • Weathering the storms of strong teen emotions: do’s, don’ts and when to consider talking to someone
  • Building resilience, staying connected and nurturing your relationship with your teen
  • Managing teen behaviour that challenges: tips and tricks

We have two NEW webinars taking place this term:

  • Supporting a young person at exam times
  • Low mood in adolescence

Further details on each webinar are below. To register please click on the relevant Zoom link.

Supporting a young person at exam times

Wednesday 3 May 5-6pm AND Thursday 11 May 5-6pm

Venue: Virtual via Zoom

Tests and exams can be a challenging part of school/college life for young people and their parents or carers. Supporting young people through exams is all about reducing stress, optimising wellbeing and putting good study processes in place.

Parents/carers play a vital role in helping their young people maintain a positive outlook in the run-up, during and after exams are over.

This webinar will offer advice around communicating with your young person at exam time, help you to spot the signs of stress and offer you strategies to support your young person in managing exam stress in a healthy way.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Wednesday 3 May:


Thursday 11 May:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Low mood in adolescence

Tuesday 16 May 12:30-1:30pm

Venue: Virtual via Zoom

Low mood does not just affect adults. Young people can experience low mood too. Common signs of low mood often include sadness that does not go away, feeling irritable all of the time, not being interested in things that used to be enjoyed, feeling tired and exhausted a lot of the time. Things that might increase low mood include family difficulties, bullying, bereavement, parental separation, friendship issues. Our webinar will offer some insight into spotting the signs and symptoms of low mood, understand why young people are vulnerable to experiencing this and offer evidence-based strategies to support a young person.

 Register in advance for this meeting:

Tuesday 16 May:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Anxiety in adolescence: how can parents help? 

Tuesday 9 May 5-6pm AND Monday 15 May 12:15-1:15pm

Venue: Virtual via Zoom

It is normal to sometimes feel anxious, however for some adolescents, anxiety can become a significant problem that stops them from doing things, e.g., talking to new people, going out with friends, or doing their best in exams. The focus of this webinar will be on what parents/carers can do to help their teens who are experiencing anxiety. It will cover when anxiety is normal vs. problematic, common anxieties during adolescence (exam stress, social anxiety and worries about identity and development), the relationship between parent-child anxiety, and how and when to access support for you and your child. We will also discuss a couple of ‘real world’ examples of common adolescent anxieties and different strategies that may be helpful in those situations. 

Register in advance for this meeting:

Tuesday 9 May:


Monday 15 May:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Adolescent self–harm: how to make sense of it and when to seek support

Tuesday 2 May 5-6pm

Venue: Virtual via Zoom

Adolescence brings about many challenges, including insecurity, self-consciousness, anxiety about one’s own body, and peer pressure. It is not uncommon for teenagers to engage in some self-harmful behaviour for a period of time, for instance cutting, hair pulling or scratching. Understandably, these behaviours can be very concerning, distressing, and confusing for parents. This webinar will provide an overview of the risk factors and methods of self-harm. It will explore the various reasons why young people may self-harm and offer ideas on how parents can talk to and support their teens. Lastly, it will discuss instances of self-harmful behaviour that may require professional support. Places on this webinar won’t be limited and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end. 

 Register in advance for this meeting:

Tuesday 2 May:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Weathering the storms of strong teen emotions: do’s, don’ts and when to consider talking to someone

Wednesday 3 May 12:30-1:30pm

Venue: Virtual via Zoom

Adolescence inherently consists of many storms that parents, families, and young people have to weather, many of which are driven by an intensity of emotions that is unique to this developmental stage. Teenagers grapple with their own identity, their social relationships, and their need for autonomy, and in turn parents face the challenge of being left out, managing their own reactions to strong teen emotions, and finding different ways of connecting with their teens. This webinar will provide an overview of the changes adolescents go through, why teenagers experience such strong emotional fluctuations and how these are linked to processes in the brain. It will offer ideas on how to support teenager with their strong feelings and what to best avoid. Lastly, the webinar will discuss the difference between normal emotional difficulties in adolescence and issues that may need additional support. Places on this webinar won’t be limited and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end.

 Register in advance for this meeting:

Wednesday 3 May:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Building resilience, staying connected and nurturing your relationship with your teen

Thursday 4 May 5-6pm AND Wednesday 10 May 12:30-1:30pm

Venue: Virtual via Zoom

Adolescence is a time of insecurity, strong feelings and growing autonomy which naturally affects the parent-child relationship and requires parents to find new ways of connecting with their teenagers. Parents may feel left out and worried, and they may experience a sense of loss over the relationship they used to have with their children when they were younger. This webinar offers ideas on how to maintain and build trust with teenagers, how to stay connected and how to nurture the relationship with their teen. Places on this webinar won’t be limited and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Thursday 4 May:


Wednesday 10 May:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Managing teen behaviour that challenges: tips and tricks

Thursday 11 May 12:30-1:30pm

Venue: Virtual via Zoom

Most adolescents will at some stage in their development engage in behaviour that parents find challenging and worrying, for instance, substance misuse, being overly argumentative and rejecting, oppositional behaviour and excessive social media use. It can become difficult for parents to find ways of discussing their concerns with their teens who may increasingly not want to hear any advice their parents have to offer. This webinar will provide an overview of adolescent development and the brain, including common challenging behaviours during adolescence. It will discuss different parenting styles and offer tips for parents on how to approach and discuss challenging behaviour with teens, and how to set boundaries. Places on this webinar won’t be limited and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end.


Register in advance for this meeting:

Thursday 11 May:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Our Patron: Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge
The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families is a company limited by guarantee, company number 03819888, and a registered charity, number 1077106.

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