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Family support

At risk of losing your home?

KentPoliceSurvey20220112 420pxDear Families,
Thanet District Council have some money that they have been given from the Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) to support households who are at risk of losing their home, either by way of rent or mortgage arrears as a result of COVID-19.
This fund is available to anyone and everyone and you do not have to be in receipt of benefits to be eligible.
The criteria stipulates that households who have been adversely financially affected as a result of the pandemic are prioritised.

The funding will enable Thanet District Council to:

  • Boost the support for private rented sector tenants to financially recover from impact of the pandemic and prevent them losing their homes
  • Support landlords in recovering from the loss of rental payments received where the tenants have fallen into rent arrears
  • Support the containment of COVID-19 outbreaks by supporting households to remain in their existing homes and prevent households from becoming street homeless, or resulting in insecure and transient housing arrangements
  • Provide support to homeowners who may be at risk of having their homes repossessed as a result of COVID-19

Thanet District Council will provide financial support for tenants in privately rented accommodation to recover from the financial impact of the pandemic and prevent them losing their homes, and will help landlords to recover from the loss of rental payments received where the tenants have fallen into rent arrears.
They will also provide financial support to homeowners who may be struggling to pay their mortgages as a result of COVID-19.
If you are renting a property and are having trouble paying your rent or if you are a homeowner and are struggling to pay your mortgage, please contact the Housing Options team on 01843 577377 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

I hope this is useful
Anita Ives
Pastoral support officer


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