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Sixth form students celebrate stunning results

IMG 1347 250pxSixth Form students at Dane Court Grammar School celebrated stunning results this week in their International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBDP) and International Baccalaureate Careers-related Programme (IBCP) qualifications.

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, which is a rigorous post-16 academic qualification delivered in some of the most prestigious independent and international schools around the world, requires students to study a balanced range of six subjects, three at higher level. The programme also includes a 4,000 word research project and 150 hours of creativity, activity and service. 

Head of School, Martin Jones, praised the hard work and dedication of all the students in the school’s Sixth Form: “This demanding and rigorous qualification equips students for lifelong success and enjoyment of learning across the world. Our students have demonstrated resilience and independence and this will provide them with such a strong foundation for future success. I congratulate all of our students on their success; we’re very proud of them. They have been very well supported by their teachers and parents. The great feature of the IB is that, although it is undoubtedly ambitious, it is also accessible to all students in Thanet: we have courses here for everyone.” 

The International Baccalaureate Diploma is graded out of 45 points, where 24 points is the pass mark. Once again the average points score for the Diploma at Dane Court exceeded 33 points (in the context of university entry requirements this is equivalent to A and B grades at A level, and provides access to some of the best universities in the UK and across the world). As a consequence of this excellent performance, the vast majority of students have already secured their first choice university place or career-related placement.

Top performing Diploma students at Dane Court this year include Olivia Button (41 points: heading to Edinburgh University to read Veterinary Medicine); Eljoh Balajadia (40 points: Experimental Psychology at Oxford University); Lily Finch (39 points reading English also at Oxford University); Joe Chesters (40 points: University of Durham to read Natural Sciences); Daniel Nisan (40 points: Mathematics at University of Kent); Riona Newaz  (40 points: also  Durham for Spanish and German). In total, 57 students (out of 61) gained 24 points or more.
Students will spend the next few days confirming their places at the best universities in the UK.

Annie Hale, Head of Sixth Form, commented that, “These fabulous International Baccalaureate grades come as little surprise: they are the result of considerable effort by our students over the past two years and I would like to join with the staff of Dane Court to congratulate all our Year 13 students, who have achieved so highly in this prestigious and demanding qualification. We are truly proud of their achievements.”

Melissa Linton, Deputy Head of Sixth Form, recognised outstanding achievements from the IBCP students who have achieved Level 6s in a variety of subjects including, Mathematics, Psychology, Biology and English Literature to name a few.  This year, 100% of IBCP students have successfully completed the full programme. Our IBCP students will be leaving us to follow academic and vocational degrees at university. Top performing IBCP students were Harry Costin (studying International Business at the University of Kent), Luke Rigney (studying Psychology at the University of Portsmouth), and Emily Walton (studying Primary Education at Canterbury Christ Church University). The following IBCP students have done exceptionally well to secure apprenticeships; Casey McKweon in Quantity Surveying, Myles Avory in Accountancy, and Georgia Solly in Business Management.


  • Students interested in joining the school’s sixth form in September should contact the school 01843 864941 or email head of sixth form, Annie Hale (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  • Read about Kurl-Ann's experience on our IB Career-related Programme
  • View our 2019 Prospectus here.