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Kent Mountain Centre 2018

IMG 1453 250pxIn what must have been Dane Court Grammar School's fortieth year of visiting Kent County Council's outdoor adventure centre, we were blessed with calm, sunny weather to greet our group of 32 year 9 students.

As always, there was excited anticipation mixed with a little apprehension as we arrived at the Kent Mountain Centre (KMC) set on the shores of Llyn Padarn at the foot of Snowdon in North Wales. We were welcomed by the friendly KMC staff who, as usual, smoothed the way to our settling in.

Our weeks at KMC are always action packed with outdoor activities every day starting soon after a good breakfast and finishing in time for a well-earned evening meal (with a packed lunch in between, obviously). After dinner there are more indoor and outdoor activities followed by supper and a welcome bedtime.

I am pleased to report that the weather remained pretty much perfect all week. We even had stronger winds on the days we visited the sea level traverse (which is always more fun when the waves are bigger) and lighter breezes when we ventured onto the mountains.

The group were outstanding; full of awe and enthusiasm. They thoroughly enjoyed their experiences (just look at the photos below) and returned home full of stories about their adventures and carrying memories that will last a lifetime.

During their time at KMC, the students contributed to a live on-line blog which forms a journal to keep parents and friends up to date. You can read the Dane Court KMC Blog here.

KMC 2019 takes place in the week after autumn half term. It is open to all current year 8 students.
Introductory letters will be available for download here or students can pick up a copy in C2.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Karl Midlane KMC Oct 2019 5
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019