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Namibia 2014

Namibia14 250pxA group of 16 students joined Mr White and for the final time Mrs Opperman on a 16-day adventure into the heart of Namibia. Joined this year by Miss Hodgett, the students explored the stunning desert, finding the elusive desert elephant, not seen by the students on the two previous trips.
As the students sat on top of a windy sand dune at 5:00am you could see their hearts warming to this very special continent and what it has to offer. As always the run down after the hard climb was loved by all, with Martin and Sally making the most of the opportunity to tumble their way down over the soft sand. From there they moved north to the Skeleton Coast, via Mrs Opperman's family farm and a great meal of Springbok pie.

Namibia8 250pxAs always the coast served up seals and flamingos and the odd ship wreck, during a misty few days. Next the journey brought about its usual challenges, with two break downs and a puncture that was interspersed with a lovely visit to White Lady Lodge. Finally we arrived at our project and after a good serving of food, complemented by some excellent bread baking by Ben the students set about renovating a classroom and building shade structures for the schools vegetable patch. The work was made easier in the hot sun by the signing and games played with the local learners and the popular craze lead by Lauren of hair plaiting... Mr White's lack of hair meant he missed out!
DSC 1345 350pxThe final instalment of any African adventure was a safari and once again Etosha delivered, with huge herds of elephants, rhinos and on the last night a large male lion just 15 metres away giving the most almighty roar that thundered through the night sky and brought quiet tears of happiness to 16 amazing young people. As the plane landed back in the UK Mr White hopes that this is just their first taste of the most special of continents and would like to thank them all for being so great.... "It was a FANTASTIC trip, spent with an amazing set of students. Thank you so much for a wonderful time, so many highlights but one that flashes in the mind is the words said by one student as we sat round the fire... I have never been so happy I just want to cry"

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
PHOTO 2019 10 30 16 46 14
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019