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Chateau du Broutel 2014

france14 250pxThe trip began with an unexpectedly long wait at school. Apparently we are not the only Dane Court School (but of course we are the best). Trevor, the driver, unfortunately chose to pay a visit to Dane Court in Surrey. This obviously created a domino effect making us late for the ferry. But all was not lost! It only gave us another tale to tell.
After arriving in France, the day was jam-packed with pre-planned activity. Commencing with a trip to Berck-sur-mer and a charming little sweet shop where we witnessed first-hand the art of candy making, from the owner himself. He is the third generation making candy at Berck.

Once we had departed from Berck, we made our way to the Château where we would enjoy our first relaxing evening in the grounds of an amazing building. It had been a long day.

The second day was very thought provoking. We visited the numerous First World War cemeteries in 'la Somme'. A trip to Thiepval French and British memorial left the group with a lot to think about. A brief visit to the Canadian memorial had a similar effect. In Albert, we visited the Somme Museum. Where we got a talk from a very passionate Scotsman.
Saturday night was not quite as peaceful. We took part in the 'Chateau Olympics' featuring events which appeared to have been thought of whilst the instructors were under the influence of something other than diet coke! At least it made us sleep well.

Day 3, and a three hour journey was all that stood between us and Paris. Paris was amazing, a trip to the 59th floor of 'la Tour de Montparnasse' gave us superb views of the Eiffel Tower. Following the ear popping tower trip, we made our way to the Eiffel Tower, thanks to Mr Morris's fantastic navigational skills. The only activity left in Paris was the River Tour. We climbed into a boat and sailed down the river Seine.

Day 4, the last day we had in France. But that did not mean we had nothing to do! The first trip was to Naours. A vast underground village with a deep history! Spelunking through Naours was definitely a challenge! I suppose you could say we really got to the 'core of the history'. Following Naours, we went to Amiens, a lovely cathedral city where we could do some shopping.
The trip would not be complete without also missing the ferry back. I guess British Border Control is more thorough than people think!
Arriving home, we were met by a host of happy parents itching to ask questions.

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