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D of E expeditions

Expedition group. Full of beans?After a long weekend the two Silver and six Bronze groups struggled back to the finish. We started with the two lovely Silver groups on Friday morning, everyone arrived raring to go and looking excited for the day to begin. 'The lovely lot' left promptly, we then had 'The Originals'- a group that needed 20 pitta breads, 27 bags of hula hoops and four big bags of rice for three days!

It can't be far now, can it?After checking their kit they struggled down the road... Three hours later they had walked two km and reached the first check point! After a lot of stopping and starting by 8:00pm we finally had two Silver groups back at camp!

Saturday we met the six Bronze groups, starting with map reading around the back streets of rural Kent due to a road diversion. All arrived happy and full of beans for the adventure!
The groups all arrived in fairly good state after a couple of wrong turns and several pleading phone messages left - dinner was cooked and frizbees were played they all went to bed to do it all again the next day.

Sunday morning was met with moans of the rain and packing up wet tents, they started well and it seemed that 'The Girls' were in a mission to get back, walking/sprinting 12 km in three hours!

A lovely weekend, the staff enjoyed themselves and we hope that the students did to!

Here are several quotes from the weekend - apologies in advance, names have been withheld!

Trying to get to campsite
: "we saw some yellow tents but didn't think they were ours so kept walking"
"did you not think that was the entrance to the campsite?"

On getting lost, message on answer phone
"we are in a field.... I can see some trees, Miss, do you know where we are?"

On not checking kit
: "it's al dente pasta as we forgot to check the gas"

On getting VERY lost
: "scenic route Miss"

On following the route for day two on day one
: "We wanted to see where we were going tomorrow"

On trying to pack light
: "I wasn't going to bring clean pants but mum made me"

Checking backpacks
: "I can't pack my bag, mum did it and I don't know how it goes in"

Well done all of you!

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 1312
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019