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Jessica Lynn - transgender activist and life changer

IMG 2825 250pxTo say that Jessica’s life has changed beyond recognition from her childhood and young adulthood is putting it mildly.

Jessica Lynn is a world-renowned transgender advocate, educator, and activist. Her experiences as a transgender woman and parent have led her to dedicate her life to spreading awareness and acceptance for gender non-conforming communities around the world. Over the last several years, Jessica has crisscrossed the globe sharing the story of her journey over 750 times in 28 different countries and is now internationally considered one of the foremost transgender speakers. We are hugely privileged that this was the second time that Jessica has come to speak to our students, keen to speak to every student in the school to help them shape the future. We hope that this relationship can continue and that Jessica will be able to work with more sections of our school community.

Her core message was about getting people to accept themselves and others, letting people live their lives as the person they truly are. The tale of Jessica’s life demonstrated the power of one story to highlight the pain and injustice that a transphobic society can bring. It rang alarm bells for the amount of prejudice in the world that anybody can face and how a single person’s bias and discrimination can completely ruin someone’s life. She called for everyone in the room to go out and speak about what they had heard to at least one person to spread the message of acceptance. Hopefully in this way the tide of prejudice can be turned as people become more aware.

Images below were taken in February 2019 and February 2020

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 5904
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019