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GCSE results to celebrate

boar drop shadow alpha trans 100pxOn Thursday morning Year 11 students at Dane Court Grammar School celebrated some tremendous GCSE results.

A stunning 11% of all entries were graded at 9, the very highest grade, and 46% at 9-7, equivalent to the old A* and A grades. 20 students gained grades 9-7 in all of their subjects and 85% secured a strong pass in both English and Mathematics.
There were some wonderful individual performances: Divya Agrawal achieved nine grade 9s, as well as the top grade in Further Mathematics; Zara Ahmed secured eight 9s, one 8 and an A*; Aliya Andrews achieved six 9s and two other excellent grades; Savina Angelova scored nine 9s and one A grade; Elizabeth Barker-Martin achieved five 9s and five other high grades; James Crompton gained five 9s and four other strong grades;

CO1A3928 300pxSandra Eapen secured four 9s, an A* and five other top grades; Sebastian Ghorbani scored six 9s and four other excellent grades; Gabriella Giancola attained seven 9s, two 8s and one A grade; Tanya Jha gained seven 9s, three 8s and one A grade; Benita Joseph scored five 9s and five other excellent grades; Nikos Kouthouri-Whittaker achieved eight 9s, one 8 and an A*; Ned Naisbitt gained four 9s and six other strong grades; Radhika Odedra achieved seven 9s as well as three other top grades; Georgia Porter secured 10 excellent grades, including four 9s; and, Lauren Rudloff achieved five 9s and five other excellent grades.

Rachel Rolls, Assistant Headteacher, said, “We’re incredibly proud of all the hard work that our students have put into their studies. They’ve been a pleasure to teach and we look forward to welcoming them back for the IB in September.”
Head of School, Martin Jones said, “These fantastic grades are the direct result of the students’ hard work and determination as well as excellent support from their families. I’m sure that the students would like to join me in thanking all of their teachers for their dedication and guidance over the last five years.”


  • Students interested in joining the school’s sixth form in September should contact the school 01843 864941 or email head of sixth form, Annie Hale (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  • Read about Kurl-Ann's experience on our IB Career-related Programme
  • View our 2019 IB Prospectus here.

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