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Years 7 and 8 win Kent Sports Hall Athletics

PHOTO 2019 02 06 07 51 07 250pxThis week our year 7 girls team, year 7 boys team, year 8 girls team, and year 8 boys team attended the finals of the Kent sports hall athletics competition up at Medway Leisure Centre.

After some tough competition from schools all around the county who had won their distinct event the results for us were amazing, even beating the silvers we achieved last year:

Year 7 girls came 6th out of 14 teams
Year 7 boys - 1st
Year 8 girls - 1st
Year 8 boys - 1st.

Well done to all pupils involved, what an achievement.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
PHOTO 2019 10 30 16 45 58 1
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019