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IMG 1655 250pxIn this assignment my Health and Social Care class and I attended Yoakley care home in Broadstairs on 11 December 2017 and we took part in a group interaction with the residents of the care home and performed a nativity play for the elderly people. I took part in this as a shepherd. The aim of our nativity was for us to work as a group to cheer up the elderly people around christmas time and to get them into the christmas spirit.

IMG 1652 350pxThe IBCP is a course for students that may already know the sort of career they would like to have in adult life and this assignment has helped people who want to work in the care sector. Work experience is an integral part of the IBCP and this assignment will prove to be useful for this. It can give people who want to work within a care home an idea as to whether they would like to do their work experience in a care home and to see if working with elderly people is what they would like to do. It also gives students like myself, no matter what their chosen profession, good foundations for careers like teaching, medicine, midwifery, nursing, social work and policing.

The residents were really happy with the way we took time out of our day to come and present the nativity and were very keen to join in singing carols and other bits and pieces. One girl within our class created a pass-the-parcel and this really excited the residents. They enjoyed taking part and they talked about how it brought back good childhood memories. Some other members of the class made food, savoury and sweet and all the residents were amazed at how good the food tasted. I really enjoyed being a member of this nativity because I felt that our company really made the residents happier.

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