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GCSE results 2016

MO1L4289.jpg 250pxExcited students at Dane Court Grammar School are celebrating record-breaking GCSE results with their parents and teachers. All students gained at least five good grades, including English and mathematics.

Headteacher Andrew Fowler said, “These are stunning results, well-deserved by a wonderful year group of hard-working students and their teachers. We are waiting for one paper to be re-marked, which should confirm that 100% of students have gained five or more A*-C grades, including English and maths. At present the total stands at 99.4%. These are Dane Court’s best-ever GCSE results, and they put Dane Court on a level with the highest-performing schools in the country. I congratulate our students and thank their teachers and parents for their excellent guidance and support.”

MO1L4271Among top-scoring students are Zoe Manser and Ronan Docherty, with 12 A* grades each, and Siobhan Corbey-Tobin, with 11 A*s. Aleesa Viepadan, Sophie Wise, Esme Atkinson and Megan Tudor each scored a total of 12 A* and A grades. Rafe Ali, Emily Bond, Ella Barker, Rachel Napier, Lauren Hayes, Owen Barnett and Ryan Adams all gained 10 or more A* and A grades, including at least 7 A* grades. A further ten students gained 10 or more A* and A grades. In total, 45% of the grades awarded were A* and A, and 48% of students gained five or more A* and A grades. Five students were awarded the coveted A^ grade in their Further Maths GCSE, indicating that they scored among the highest A* marks in the country.

Sarah Snaydon, Head of Key Stage 4, commented, “We are so proud of our year 11 students. They have always been an outstanding group of students, and many of them have overcome considerable personal difficulties to achieve these excellent results.” Dr Virginia Austin, Chair of Governors and Chair of the Coastal Academies Trust, said, "Congratulations to all the students and their teachers on these results. They are simply superb.”

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