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Health and Social Care Students Entertain

P1000528 150pxHealth and Social Care students from Dane Court entertained residents at Yoakley Homes and students at The Royal School for Deaf with their pantomime 'Cinderella'.

The script was written and directed by Year 12 students Rochella Fletcher and Grace Offen. The students prepared and served a tea for the Yoakley residents, including a scrumptious Christmas cake. Allysha Crow and Georgina Jaconelli, who played the part of Fairy Godmothers also made a pass the parcel for the residents. This went down very well as it reminded many of them of their childhood days.

Teachers and students from the Royal School for Deaf Children attended a rehearsal of the pantomime at Dane Court and gave the Health and Social Care students some help with signing and techniques which would help communicate to students with hearing impairment. All the students at The Royal School for Deaf Children saw the pantomime, which took place in their school hall. Neil Fletcher who teaches the deaf said that it was evident from the students' faces that they were really enjoying the show.

The Dane Court students have been learning about communication and inter-personal skills necessary for people who work in the Health and Social care sector. Organising the pantomime enabled them to develop team skills and also gave them the opportunity to work closely with some of the most vulnerable people in our society.

Year 12 student Danielle Dunn said that the IBCC Health and Social Care course has been 'insightful and rewarding'. Danielle Bridger said that 'the opportunity to work with the elderly and with deaf children had raised her awareness of the difficulties faced by people with physical and sensory impairment. Judith Baker, Head of Health and Social Care added that: 'It is not easy to do what our students did. I applaud the group for their courage and maturity. They worked very well together, giving freely of their time to do something for others'.

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