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IB Group 4 project science fair

P1010602 200pxYear 12 students studying the International Baccalaureate recently undertook a Science and Technology based project as part of their assessment for their Group 4 science subjects. The Group 4 subjects comprise of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Systems and Design Technology. The students were split into teams containing people studying each of these subjects and asked to carry out a short research project on the general theme "Environment".

Their topic could be anything from an environmental issue such as pollution, to studying the environment within a human cell. Research could be practical or paper-based. Students were assessed on their personal skills during the development of the project and the mark will go towards their coursework grade for their Group 4 subject. The groups spent two days preparing their presentations which culminated in a science fair that enabled them to display the outcome of their activity.

Prizes were awarded to the best three presentations, these were sponsored by Pfizer, Fujifilm and Thanet Earth. The judging panel is comprised of the Head of School, Maureen Wolloshin, the Mayor of Broadstairs, Councillor Rosalind Binks and representatives from Pfizer, Ray Horton and Fujifilm, Clare Scales.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
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Kent Mountain Centre 2019
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