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Prize Evening 2012

P1010615 250pxOn 10 September 2012 we hosted our annual prize evening at the Winter Gardens in Margate. This outstanding event rewards and showcases the talents and achievements of our brightest and best students in all year groups.

The school was delighted that the Mayor and Mayoress of Broadstairs, and the Mayor of Margate, himself an ex Dane Court Student, were able to attend.

The guest speaker this year was Ms Jeanette Horan, the Chief Information Officer of IBM. Ms Horan is the sister of Dane Court asssistant headteacher, Mrs Linda Felstead.

Ms Horan is an ex-pupil of Dover Grammar School for Girls. She told students and guests that, though she has lived and worked in America for thirty years, she still thinks of Kent as home. She told the students about the importance of ambition, and always striving to do your very best in all subjects at school because you never know where your career path may take you, or when those studies will be useful.

Ms Wolloshin, the Head of School, described the remarkable warmth, optimism, and happiness that abounds in Dane Court, and how proud she is to be leading such an outstanding community. Mr Paul Luxmoore, Executive Head of the Federation, spoke of the importance of ambition. Dr Virginia Austin, the Chair of Governors presented 25 years service awards to Mr Mark Alderson, Mr Graham Felstead, Mr Rob Pugh, Mr Mike Richardson, Mrs Kim Van Hinsbergh, and Mrs Myra White, and thanked them for their outstanding contribution to the life of the school.

Among the many achievements by students rewarded at the event, Will Grover achieved full marks in the International Baccalaureate and was awarded the following prizes: IB Academic Achievement, Applied Maths, Physics Fuji Film, and Gold Physics Olympiad.

Dominic Woodward-Lebihan received the prize for Achievement in Politics in Year 12, and as Head Boy gave the vote of thanks to our guest speaker with Beth Humby our Head Girl.

Maisie Cope received the Headteacher's Prize for Academic Achievement at GCSE and the Year 11 Form Prize.

Ben Hoenes received the Year 11 Physics Prize, the Headteacher's Prize for Academic Achievement, and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award at silver level.

Read more from our guest speaker, Ms Horan, in her post on the Citizen IBM blog.

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