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Wonderful GCSE success

Dane Court003 250pxStudents at Dane Court are celebrating wonderful GCSE results this year, including particularly stunning science grades.

 The new GCSE examinations were substantially harder than previous exams, but in spite of this Dane Court students gained an even higher proportion of top grades than in previous years. 41% of grades achieved by students were Grades 7, 8 and 9, equivalent to the old A* and A grades. 10% of all grades achieved at Dane Court were the new Grade 9, the very highest level. In Biology, Chemistry and Physics, a staggering 30% of results were at Grade 9. Students also did particularly well in English, where 94% of students gained strong pass grades, and in the arts. Louis Peters and Cameron Macrae both gained eight Grade 9s and three other top grades; Kate Bijou and Jasmine Sayer both scored six Grade 9s and five other top grades. Joshua Rudloff, Jack Whitehead, Finlay Jarman Hume, Charles Lycett, Angel Foster, Eleen Newaz, Cath Banks, Tayla Smith, Tom Wells and Quinn Stevens all gained at least 10 top grades. Fauzaan Syed gained a coveted A** grade in Further Mathematics, as well as eight other top grades. 

Rachel Rolls, Assistant Headteacher, said she was “very proud of our students’ achievements. They have worked incredibly hard and have succeeded in the new demanding GCSEs.” Headteacher Andrew Fowler said, “I am thrilled for our students. They have been supported every step of the way by their teachers and their parents, and their hard work has paid off. Many of them have overcome significant personal difficulties to achieve these wonderful results. I am particularly delighted to see the stunning results in subjects as diverse as Art, Music, English and the Sciences. This confirms Dane Court’s reputation, offering the most outstanding academic education in Thanet.”

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019