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Medieval Banquet 2015

DSC 5951 HR CL 250pxThis was the twenty first year of the medieval banquet; a hugely successful cross curricular project at Dane Court Grammar School bringing together the Food Technology, History, Art, Music, and English departments.

All year seven students take on a medieval character and in the Food Technology lessons they cook pottage and bread for the peasants and a range of authentic medieval recipes for the Lords and Ladies. The King addressed his subjects and spoke of his achievements in recent battles, the death of his mother and marriage to her Royal Highness Queen Lisa. Grace was then delivered in Latin by Father Stavri. Minstrels arrived shortly after and sang in the ceremonial boars head to mark the start of the banquet.
The whole year group having processed into the 'Banqueting Hall' were then entertained by court jester, jugglers, musicians, actors and singers. They also took part in activities such as apple bobbing, skittles, calligraphy, mathematical games, spinning and weaving and were able to visit the apothecary to seek advice on their various 'ailments'.
One of this year's banquet activities was a demonstration of authentic medieval instruments beautifully played by none other than Maestro Fowler, Head of School. It was agreed by all concerned that three miscreants should be made example of for various misdemeanours and were thrown into the stocks by the Sixth Form Bailiffs and suffered the wet sponge treatment. The mother of one peasant wrote to express her dismay at her son's behaviour because he had taken all her half angels, quarter nobles and half pennies leaving only enough money to buy maskin to eat that night. His punishment, at her request, was to have him put in to the stocks for a well-deserved soaking.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
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