On Monday 27 June 2022, year 11 made their final trip through the school gates as year 11 students. Many of them will return again as sixth formers and some will be pursuing the next step on their journey elsewhere.
We are extremely proud of these students. They leave KS4 as resilient, caring, open minded and principled individuals. They have overcome adversity and lived through remarkable and unforeseen circumstances, never with a sense that the world owes them anything. Instead they responded by aiming higher and did whatever it took to achieve their goals - they did this with gusto, spirit and a good dose of humour.
Now they are ready to spread their wings and embrace new challenges in the next step of their academic career, we know that they will explore new paths with the same tenacity, independence and confidence that has served them so well this year.
It's goodbye for now year eleven, we look forward to welcoming you back in September to begin year 12.
Please note:
- Some of our photographs taken during this event cannot be published on this website.
- We cannot provide copies of photographs taken during this event.