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Japanese Pen Pal

P1030623 250pxAs same as every year, IBDP Year 13 students in Ab initio Japanese course have enjoyed exchanging letters with the students at Kitakyushu National College of Technology in Fukuoka in Japan.

The students wrote letters in both Japanese and English, so that our Ab initio students could practice writing and reading Japanese and the Japanese students could practice communicating in English.
Harry Barham and Bradley Cooke said “The Japanese pen pal experience was a lot of fun, and we all enjoyed it very much. We, through this experience have greatly increased our Japanese writing skills. We all feel as though we have made friends through this experience, as lots of us had a lot in common with our pen pals”.
Erin Marshall and Tyron Viocolo rated this experience ’10 out of 10’ and Amika McAvoy commented ‘It was exciting’. Bradley even rated ’11 out of 10’!
We have found it very beneficial to our studies because it gave us sufficient practice in reading and writing Japanese outside the classroom.
This pen pal project continues and now Year 12 students have started to write their first letters.

View the embedded image gallery online at:

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 5926
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019