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Melamchi Ghyang Secondary School - 26 April 2015The devastation caused by the earthquake in Nepal on Saturday 26 April 2015 has left tens of thousands dead or injured with many more homeless or so frightened that aftershocks will trigger the collapse of more buildings that they sleep in cars and tents in open spaces. Nepal's emergency services are struggling to cope with the size of the disaster and the rest of the world is responding.

Lois O'LearyWe have learned that a trainee teacher, who will be joining Dane Court in September this year, was in Nepal teaching English at the Melamchi Ghyang Secondary School.
Lois O'Leary survived the earthquake unscathed but the all 130 homes in the village, the school, school hostel and Health Post were flattened. The entire community has left the remote location of the destroyed school, 50Km from Kathmandu, and moved to a safer location lower down the valley and Lois has gone with them. Before the earthquake struck, she had volunteered her services to Community Action Nepal; a charity set up twenty years ago to help the mountain people of Nepal. Now Lois is undertaking a very different type of voluntary work dictated by the dire state in which she and the rest of the school community find themselves. [UPDATE: Lois made it back to Kathmandu on Sunday 3 May and returned to the UK on Wednesday 6 May]

Community Action Nepal websiteAt Dane Court we will be raising money to support Community Action Nepal as they redouble their efforts to help the people of Nepal through this disaster.
On Thursday 7 and Friday 8 May each House will collect donations for Community Action Nepal.
There will be some special activities arranged by individual houses but we would like all parents and students to join in by arranging a little sponsorship.

Students: Get your parents to sponsor you to complete some less-than-interesting jobs around the house.
It might be washing up, vacuuming, washing the car or (even!) tidying up.

Parents: Clearly, if your child does not offer, you can always make the first move set them the task.

Please be as generous as you are able. Whilst every penny will help, every pound will help more people.
The money will be collected by your mentor on Thursday or Friday and even those who do not manage to get sponsorship could just donate a pound or two.

Just like the swift destruction of the earthquake last Saturday, we want our response to be quick and strong.
Community Action Nepal has been helping people in Nepal for two decades and will continue their support for years after the current emergency is over.

Thank you so much for your support.

jg logo header purpleIf you would like to make a larger donation, you can do so on-line.
Lois has set up a JustGiving page

Community Action Nepal's Registered Charity number is 1067772

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