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sub-brand logos with standoff 283px IB Diploma Programme IB Career-related Certiificate
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6th form leavers 2013 resizedOnce again we had to say goodbye to our Year 13 Delphi students at the end of the last term.  It was an excellent opportunity for us to recognise all of their hard work over the last seven years and to wish them well in the future.  They have got their A-level exams coming up in the next few weeks and we wish them the best of luck.


I would like to personally thank Ellison Hall, Sophia Krunic and Lily Price who were our outstanding house captains last year.  They were always enthusiastic and tried their best with all the house events and activities that we took part in.  Also, Louise Wibberley and Lauren Bridgeman were fantastic on the Delphi house council and helped us raise lots of money for our house charity.


Good luck everyone!

Mr Wood and Miss McWilliam

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Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 5926
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019

House Points

Barcelona Barcelona 38
Delphi Delphi 21
Helsinki Helsinki 20
Neuchâtel Neuchatel 29
Sorrento Sorrento 26
Tallinn Tallin 18