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sub-brand logos with standoff 283px IB Diploma Programme IB Career-related Certiificate
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Year 13 leavers webThe Year 13 students said goodbye to their mentors and Heads of House on Tuesday as they are now going on study leave for their A-level examinations.  It was a good opportunity to reflect on what has been an excellent two years for all of the students and also to look forward to the next steps in their lives with excitement and anticipation.  They have proved to be excellent role models for all of our Delphi students in the younger years and they are proudly the Delphi Class of 2012!  Extra special thanks go to Elizabeth Vincent, Thabani Nkomo and Jordan Griggs who were last year's house captains.  They led the house to some excellent achievements and were always there if we needed help even including last week's student led assembly on making mistakes.  We wish them all luck in their upcoming examinations and hopefully we will see them again in the next few years.  

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
IMG 6072
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019

House Points

Barcelona Barcelona 38
Delphi Delphi 21
Helsinki Helsinki 20
Neuchâtel Neuchatel 29
Sorrento Sorrento 26
Tallinn Tallin 18