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meetingThe Delphi Council meet the first Thursday of every month to discuss all things Delphi.  The minutes of every meeting will be posted here so you can see what we have been discussing.  If you have anything you would like to be raised at a council meeting then please mention this to your council representative or to Mr Wood.  

This week we have been discussing;

  • The Teenage Cancer Trust charity lunchtime event in Delphi

The next meeting will be in the new year.

Delphi Council Meeting Minutes - Thursday 13th October 2011

1. The council discussed possible methods of raising money for our charity, the Teenage Cancer Trust. Having discussed this with their form the following ideas were put forward;

• Dress up as someone famous on non uniform day

• No blazer day

• Karaoke

• Face painting

• Just dance (including teachers)

• Junk sale/raffle

• Cake sale

• Movie day

• Car wash

• Sell badges and wristbands

• Sponsored leg waxing

• Talent show

• Tug of war

• Craft fair

• Colour theme on non uniform day

• Sports tournaments

• Trips

• Delphi dragon costume competition

• Cake day

• Making model competition

It has been suggested by the council that we have a special day put aside where a number of the above events could take place at lunchtime in the Delphi plaza. There could be a collection on the door with a variety of events, competitions etc. taking place inside. This will be discussed further at the next meeting.

2. We discussed how the house meetings and mentoring sessions were going. There was a general feeling that the Delphi students would prefer fewer house meetings so that we could have more time together as a form. Some students (Yr 10) didn't like sitting on the floor but Mr Wood explained that it was impossible to move all the furniture before the meetings. Mentoring was generally thought to be a good process.

Next Delphi Council meeting: Thursday 3rd November 2011. Before this meeting please go through these points with your forms. Also please ask them that if they have any questions or want anything discussed at Delphi council to mention it to you.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Karl Midlane KMC Oct 2019 1
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019

House Points

Barcelona Barcelona 38
Delphi Delphi 21
Helsinki Helsinki 20
Neuchâtel Neuchatel 29
Sorrento Sorrento 26
Tallinn Tallin 18