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sub-brand logos with standoff 283px IB Diploma Programme IB Career-related Certiificate
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Black_Dragon_LogoThroughout the year there will be many opportunities for you to get involved in house activities whether this is taking part in a quiz, taking part in sports day or helping raise money for our charity.  There are also a few positions of responsibility where you can have the chance to help organise activities and newsletters, help with the website or have your say about house matters.  These will be great to have on your CV and should be a lot of fun too.

The positions available are;

Student Council Representative: You will attend regular school student council meetings and have the opportunity to voice the opinions of your classmates.

Deputy Student Council Representative/Delphi Council Representative: You will take the place of the Student Council Rep if they are ill and be involved in the Delphi Council where we will discuss all matters Delphi.

Sports Captain: You will organise all the sports teams for the competitions that take place throughout the year.

Newsletter contributors: You will write articles for the tri-annual Delphi news letter.  We will also need to have an editor as well who will put together the finished newsletter ready for printing.

Charity Co-ordinators: Throughout the year we will have fund raising events for our chosen charity.  These events will need to be thought up and planned by you.

Website Editor: You will help Mr Wood put together articles for the Delphi website.

Your tutor will talk to you about these opportunities and how you apply for a position.  If you want any further information go and see Mr Wood.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
PHOTO 2019 10 30 16 45 31
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019

House Points

Barcelona Barcelona 38
Delphi Delphi 21
Helsinki Helsinki 20
Neuchâtel Neuchatel 29
Sorrento Sorrento 26
Tallinn Tallin 18