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MO1L9845 250pxWith a flourish of good weather to help them on their way, Helsinki House staff and students held their annual charity fund-raising event in the sunshine on Thursday 18 June 2015. Each Form organised a stall at a lunchtime fête.

7H ran a "Nerf Gun" shooting gallery where the aim was to score the most points firing little foam "bullets" at targets.  8H provided willing victims along with "ammunition" in the form of cream pies. People paid for the privilege of splatting a pie in the face of a victim.
9H ran a similar stall with wet sponges as the ammunition.
10H and members of 7H brought in cakes and icing equipment giving purchasers the opportunity to decorate their own cake.
150703 250px6H1 gathered photos of Helsinki staff in their younger years and challenged all-comers to correctly identify them.
6H2 offered the chance to "Whack-a-Rat" with a small prize for anyone who succeeded.
6H3 devised a fiendish game called Sausage Roulette where four friends, having paid for a bowl of four sausages, would each eat one. The twist came when one of the four realised it was their sausage that had been laced with hot mustard.
Mrs Towse and Mrs Leese prepared and sold delicious fresh hot-dogs.

cancer research logo 250pxAfter the everyone had calmed down, showered and dried out and the prizes awarded, the takings were counted to reveal an impressive £141.31 to be donated to our house charity, Cancer Research UK.

Thanks very much to all staff and students who gave their time  and effort to make this event a success.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
PHOTO 2019 10 30 16 46 27
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019

House Points

Barcelona Barcelona 38
Delphi Delphi 21
Helsinki Helsinki 20
Neuchâtel Neuchatel 29
Sorrento Sorrento 26
Tallinn Tallin 18