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muzovo logo 250pxThis year members of Helsinki house are supporting the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF); a charity committed to helping conservation efforts throughout Africa and Asia. DSWF are currently supporting the The Muzovu Project which works with 19 Zambian schools to provide specialist conservation presentations and lessons to more than 3000 children each year. The schools are all in areas bordering the Kafue National Park where DSWF help to run an elephant orphanage.

school muzovu 250pxBy educating the local children about the work of the orphanage and the importance of conserving their environment, the Muzovu project aims to dispel the children's inherited fear of the elephant and encourage the local population to conserve their natural resources for their future well-being and protect their livelihoods.

The Muzovu Project needs help to continue its work and, in particular, provide much needed educational resources to the schools.
This term we will be holding a Grand Family Raffle to raise funds for the Muzovu Project.

How you can help:

    elephants muzovu 250px
  • We would be grateful for donations in the form of good quality raffle prizes.
    These can be items or services; perhaps something offered by business with which you are associated. We already have a few donated prizes but we would like to make this raffle a truly grand event so please dig deep.
    Contact Mr Alderson or Mrs Towse if you would like to donate a prize.
  • Of course, you can purchase raffle tickets.
    In a few week's time we will promote their sale along with a list of prizes so look out for your opportunity to get involved.


Helsinki house is particlarly fortunate in having amongst its number Mr White (teacher of PE and mentor to 10H). He works closely with both DWSF and the Muzovu project; both as an educational advisor and an individual fund-raiser. He will be undertaking a cycle expedition across Zambia to raise money for our chosen charities. See his Cycle Zambia website for more information.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
PHOTO 2019 10 30 16 46 27
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019

House Points

Barcelona Barcelona 38
Delphi Delphi 21
Helsinki Helsinki 20
Neuchâtel Neuchatel 29
Sorrento Sorrento 26
Tallinn Tallin 18