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Sixth form news

Courage and determination

IMG 1361 250PXKurl-Ann joined us in January 2018 shortly after arriving in the UK. She enrolled on our International Baccalaureate Career-Related Programme studying on the Health and Social Care pathway. Over the last eighteen months Kurl-Ann has studied IB subjects Psychology and Biology, as well as completing voluntary work, studying Japanese culture and an internship at Age UK in Margate. She was able to complete her studies in Health and Social Care a year early and has been accepted on a place at Kingston University to study BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing.
Kurl-Ann is courageous young woman and we wish her every success in the future.

The NCS factor

IMG 4592 250pxDuring the summer holidays 19 Dane Court students took part in the National Citizenship Service. This fantastic and engaging programme took students away for a week of team building activities and on their return to Thanet they ran social action projects to promote Help for Heroes, Breast Cancer Awareness and Oasis Domestic Abuse Service.
During their celebratory event at Dreamland on the 14 September the teams won awards for creativity, innovation and determination.

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All the best to our IB graduates

boar drop shadow alpha trans 100pxThis week is Freshers' week at universities across the UK. Dane Court would like to wish all our students who graduated from the IB this summer well in their new endeavours.

This year students are leaving us to study at University of Cambridge, Durham University, Imperial College London, University of Kent, London School of Economics and Political Science and University of Warwick to name but a few.

As well as university pathways students will be embarking on apprenticeships at Kreston Reeves, Boeing, St Mildred’s Primary School and here at Dane Court Grammar School.

The last two years studying the IB at Dane Court has been a significant journey for everyone and will set the students up well to manage the studies and responsibilities required of them.

More about our sixth form

IBCP induction 2018

ibcp induction 2018 250pxIf you were not able to attend the IBCP induction event on 18 September 2018, here's the presentation which summarises the important information.

IBCP induction 2018 students, staff and parents

If you have any questions, please speak with the relevant subject teacher or pay a visit to the sixth form office.