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Canterbury Christchurch Vision morning

PEWorkshop 250pxMasterclasses in Criminology, Policing and Politics were on offer last week as part of an IBCP Year 12 Vision Morning held in conjunction with Canterbury Christchurch University.

Ten lecturers from a diverse range of Faculties spent the morning at Dane Court as part of a programme of events designed to promote dialogue and aspiration by an introduction to university level subjects in nine different areas.

Engaging students in a dialogue about future pathway possibilities was the prime focus of the morning with Faculty staff able to give insights into the study methods and skills required for a step into Higher Education. Many students took advantage of the opportunities on offer to try out new subjects, with Criminology and Policing being exceptionally popular.

The energy and expertise of the lecturers ensured that this collaboration between School and university was a focused morning for information and a widening of ideas giving all the participants an enhanced understanding of the broader horizons after sixth form.

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