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Christmas Concert 2021

Christmas Concert 2021On Wednesday 8 December the Music department had its first opportunity in two years to share the musical talents of the Dane Court students.

It was absolutely wonderful to hear performances from the Orchestra, Steel Bands, Choir and Jazz Band. It is a credit to their hard work this term as we have only been able to start rehearsing together as a group since September. The ensembles have come together stronger than ever and we have thoroughly enjoyed making music as a group again.
We had a small audience who were seated in their family bubbles and the performances were spread out across the Theatre and the Heart to ensure everyone felt safe in these challenging times. As so many family and friends were unable to attend due to our reduced audience numbers, we made videos of the pieces in the rehearsals throughout the day for everyone to enjoy.


Orchestra rehearses on Tuesday 3:30pm-4:30pm and is open to players of grade 1 standard and above.

Beginner Steel Band:

Open to anyone who would like to learn to play these impressive Caribbean instruments.
No need to read music but a sense of rhythm is essential! Beginner Steel Band rehearses Wednesday 3:30pm-4:15pm

Advanced Steel Band:

This group is for players who have graduated from Beginner Steel Band. We rehearse on Wednesday 4:15pm-5:00pm

Jazz Band:

Jazz Band is for advanced players who have developed their ensemble skills in orchestra. Jazz Band rehearse on Wednesday 4.30pm-5:00pm
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