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Chatter 11 - Autumn

Chatter8 250pxDane Court's student newspaper 'Chatter' would like to welcome all students and staff to the new academic year.
The team, including many enthusiastic year 7's new to the school, have been working spook-tastically hard to get this edition ready for you all to enjoy in time for the end of term 1 and Halloween.

There are so many fantastic articles to read from students across the school, such as what our students got up to in the summer, new teacher interviews, book reviews and a sad farewell to Chatter's founder editor in which the Chatter team wish her the best of luck she moves on to pastures new!
Also in this edition, along with a fantastic competition on page 16 to win a Cauldron full of Halloween goodies and details of our charity bake sale, you are in for a treat if you turn to look at page 12 there is an interesting article on 'Halloween's Real Horror'!
If anyone would like to join the chatter team or just come along and see what we get up to all details can be found in this edition and around the school. It would be great to see you!
The Chatter Team

Read Chatter 11 - Summer

See all Chatter publications

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