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Chatter 10 - Summer

Chatter8 250pxSummer is here and the uniform is nearly consigned to the laundry basket and the lesson planning has been kicked into touch.

Thoughts of lie-ins, lazy hazy summer days and occasional late nights spring to mind, and September is set firmly in the distance. What better way to keep you entertained lying on the beach or swinging in your hammock, but to read this bumper summer edition of DCGS Chatter?

We have had an amazing time this year at Dane Court with school and personal journeys, competitions, charity fundraisers, stage and music events, debates, wonderful student and staff successes including the Year 10 winners of 'Business of Enterprise 2019', with the year culminating in Cultural Week which took us across the continents and was expertly run by our talented Sixth Form crew.

The Chatter newspaper team continues to grow and the team have finished with national award success too. As we cruise into the long holiday we also have a change at the helm with Mr Martin Jones leading our school into the new academic year. We have so much to look forward to but take time to read about all the incredible things Dane Court has been involved in this term while you relax and take a well earned break. See you on Wednesday 4 September!

Best regards
The Chatter Team

pdf Read Chatter 10 - Summer (4.34 MB)

See all Chatter publications

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IMG 5904
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
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