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Dane Court students take top business prize

BoE19Final 250pxDane Court Grammar School had two excellent groups of year 10 students who qualified for the final of this year's Business of Enterprise competition and one of those returned from London with the top prize. Last Friday (5 July 2019), the two groups travelled in hope to NatWest's HQ in Bishopsgate with their well thought out and rehearsed business propositions and both performed with commendable skill.

The group under their business name "Koleni", scooped the Enterprise of the Year award for their idea of a multi functioned watch to aid dementia sufferers and their families. Led by CEO Macey Boulton, Koleni produced a consumately professional presentation of their enterprise to six judges drawn from the top eschelons of the business and finance world leading to a unanimous decision in their favour. The group's technical expertise and business acumen impressed under the judges probing questions and the prize was justifiably awarded once all the other presentations had been heard.
The project, initiated and still run superbly by Education Business Partnership (EBP) Kent, is in its fifteenth year and represents a wonderful model for learning and tests the participants in a variety of ways. They have to build a team, think of an enterprising idea, research it's viability, market it, produce financial plans for it before presenting it in a Dragon's Den environment. The top groups in each competing school then face a semi- final and final but learn so much along the way. Many students involved in previous years have used it as a springboard to University research and entrepreneurial success. We wish this year's entrants similar future opportunities.

Read the Isle of Thanet News report.

"Koleni": Macey Boulton, Adam Thompson, Tamzin Clark, Alfie Stocker, Abbie Debling and Sophie Ingoldsby.
"Specialised Intermediate Care": Olly Keech, Ffion Calnan, Jess Walters, Ben Millington, Matilda Chisholm, Rylea Guinan and Anais Gaspa.

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Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019