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Chatter edition 9 - Cake

Chatter8 250pxThe Chatter Team have packed a great deal into a very short term and this has certainly been shown by the delivery of this fun packed newspaper in only a few weeks!

The Easter break has refreshed everyone and the enthusiasm for writing articles about their holiday, and participating in activities, appears boundless. We have over 70 students plus staff who work on the newspaper and we welcome anyone who would like to get involved. On page three you can read how one Chatterer, Jacob Cherry, has summed up his year with the newspaper.
Having just celebrated our first birthday and finally had our birthday cake, we jumped straight into the mixing bowl once more by holding our Chatter Charity Bake Sale. The students worked incredibly hard and produce some amazing bakes but, Jacob was right, popcorn was inspired and lucrative! The Cheerful Sparrows Ward at QEQM Margate will be the recipient of the bake sale takings this term. With boundless energy, the students are eager to do the next one, but the great news is that it is half term next week so we can stock up on baking supplies!

Happy half term,
The Chatter Team

  pdf Chatter 9 - Cake (3.65 MB)

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