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DCGS Chatter Edition 7 - Valentines

Chatter7 250pxLove is the theme for this edition of the student newspaper, Chatter. Naturally, with Valentine's Day on the horizon, it prompted thoughts of love and happiness, but also echoes of the trappings of commercialisation enforced by another retailer spend-fest. 'What's Love Got To Do With It', was debated, the results of which you can read on page 3 in 'The BIG Debate'.

Food Tech had another busy term with the Year 9 Valentine's Bistro. Students planned, prepared, cooked and served a two-course meal for their selected staff couples to have a 'blind date'. 9D had a brilliant day and took a risk to pair our Head, Miss Greig, with a mystery man! Wonderful dishes and Mrs Baker's photographs can be seen on pages 7-9.

Among many other articles, we talk about the history behind Valentine's Day, having a Chinese buddy, have a number of things to make and do, feature some of our new House Captains and the incoming Student Heads of School, and see Joe Allen and Harry Day, again 9D, who triumphed in the Key Stage 3 Talent Show.
We hope you take time to read through this edition of Chatter and we would love to hear your views or ideas for other editions.

Best regards
The Chatter Team

  pdf Chatter 7 - Valentines (2.58 MB)

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