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The magic of maths

maths160920 250pxMagic, topology and construction were all workshops of an amazing day at Keynes College at the University of Kent.

Year 10 embarked on an action packed day of hands on thought provoking mathematical conundrums with other schools from all over Kent. They were taught skills like 'how to throw a knot' in a tie, construct a bridge out of sticks and paper that could hold weights of up to 11kg and change a play-doh doughnut into a mug by 'flattening the holes'.
It was all rounded off with an enlightening talk by Ben Sparks on the 'creation of numbers' who bamboozled us with his wit, intelligence and ability to transfix a students with thoughts of imaginary numbers and the Mandelbrot set.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Karl Midlane KMC Oct 2019 58
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019