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French school visit

IMG 4423 250pxOn 22 June 2016, 8B and 8N were graced with a visit from their French pen pals. Le Collège Marguerite Duras is located in Montélimar in the south of France. We spent the morning giving them tours around the school and getting to know each other. The pupils talked to each other in various languages and we learned rules and customs from each other's schools such as if their teacher is ill, they do not have a lesson. Also, they are not allowed to be seen or heard using their phones on school grounds, regardless of the times. In the afternoon we played fun games with the help of the P.E and language teachers and then played kickball rounders. After school, some of us joined the French pen pals on a trip to Broadstairs beach. We had a lot of fun running in the sea and playing ball games. One of the French teachers bought us all an ice cream! Sadly we all had to leave but I hope to keep in touch with my pen pal via email as do many others.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019