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We present 'Oh! What a Lovely War'

DCGS Musical 2016Students from the school will be performing the emotive musical ‘Oh! What a Lovely War’ by Joan Littlewood. Over four consecutive nights, from Wednesday 6 July until Saturday 9 July, the school theatre will be transformed into a scene from the frontline. Doors open at 6:15pm and the performance starts 7:00pm in the main school theatre.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the battle of the Somme where hundreds of thousands of young soldiers gave their lives for the common good, these individuals are honoured through this production.

Sergeant Harry Shaw

The cast have worked hard to conquer a difficult and demanding script that is punctuated with humour, song, dance and trench loads of pathos. Joan Littlewood and the Theatre Workshop who devised the original play have created a piece of theatre that will have the audience laughing one minute then crying the next as they are forced to ask the question, do we ever learn anything from war?

Show director, Dan Stanley, has a very personal connection with the events of the First World War. His great grandfather, Sergeant 5738 Harry Shaw (left), made the ultimate sacrifice when he was killed in action on 26 April 1917 at the battle of Arras. Harry was attached to the 10th Battalion, Manchester Regiment.
Dan said ‘Harry, along with the millions of others who died, is my inspiration for putting on 'Oh! What a Lovely War.'


Tickets for the show are available from the school office priced at £5.00.
For further information please contact 01843 864941.

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